Mexican Rice

Serves 6


2 tbsp canola oil
3 unit garlic
0.5 unit jalapeno peppers
0.5 unit onions
1 cup rice, white
1.5 tsp salt
2 unit tomatoes
1.75 cup vegetable broth


Heat oil over medium heat. Add rice and onion and cook until the rice has a slightly browned color. (5-10 minutes).

Add the garlic and stir for one minute. Be very careful it doesn't burn or stick. Add tomatoes, chiles, broth, and stir and put on a low boil. Add salt to taste. Once it starts beginning to boil, make sure heat is about 3 on scale from 1-7. Cover the pot and cook for 15 minutes without taking off the lid. This might take closer to 40 minutes, so just see how long it takes. The broth should get consumed. Take the pot off the stove and let sit for 5 minutes.