German House Memories

Serves 1


5 games super smash bros
4 hours psetting in the quiet lounge
2 hours cookcrew!
30 songs (kpop, disney, etc) singing/dancing with your cookcrew
10 times you say "just one more game" more smash
1 hour watching Kire play Animal Crossing
100 orders boba orders
1 song scream singing happy birthday
1 always stopping Andison and Emily F from cleaning everything
1 Emily GRA the best GRA!
1 night random dance parties in the lounge
40 quotes and counting adding embarrassing things to the quote board
5 outings DH hikes!
2 outings rockclimbing!
7 seasons of Brooklyn 99 watching TV together
20 movies on the whiteboard watching movies together
1 semester trying to get swole with the workout challenge
35 german housers my favorite people <3
20 games avalon/secret hitler
2 burritos thrown throw throw burrito
1 night SpOoKy skate
10 nights waffle study breaks
1 lb onions


Read the ingredient list and try not to cry from missing DH.

If you do cry, I added onions to the end of the ingredient list. Thinly slice them and then blame the onions for making you cry.

I miss you guys!!! ❤️❤️❤️